Capstone Proposal

Studies show that stigma against mental illness still influences attitudes toward mental health worldwide. Largely due to media stereotypes and lack of education, many attach negative or dismissive attitudes toward mental health conditions at a far higher rate than to other diseases and disabilities. In Pakistan, people who suffer from mental illnesses are often told to get over it,” or asked, “why are you always so gloomy?” signaling deep, cultural misunderstandings of how mental illness can be debilitating and life-threatening. 

With the increasing awareness of societal issues, rapid climate changes, pandemic crises, and environmental degradation, many people are becoming beleaguered by stress, posing danger to their daily productivity and, health.  Without immediate intervention, this is an increasing burden for developing and third world countries like Pakistan, where work place productivity depends on the physical and, emotional wellbeing of its citizens.  Unfortunately, because there is less education, less technology, and less money for mental health crises, rarely do sufferers seek medical help, even if scant support is available. 

Because societal perception has not yet changed despite various campaigns attempting to de stigmatize mental health, Architectural intervention and sensory design may significantly help in creating awareness through physical and experiential responses to the specially designed environment.

Through this project, anyone experiencing mental health concerns or significant stress, can have easy access to these therapeutic environments without being “medicalized.” or “institutionalized.” Rather than labeling these architectural and sensory environments as “medical help,” or limiting its use by labeling it a “medical facility,” the sensory design and a holistic experience offered by my project will welcome everyone by focusing on nourishing the overall well being of visitors while minimizing environmental impact to the natural setting. Environments will be designed to enhance quality of life by creating a supportive, calm environment. Ultimately, this designed environment will not only focus on breaking down the stigma associated with mental health, but most importantly, seek to eradicate the mental health issues of its populace and create awareness through design. The use of materials, structure, aesthetics, utilities, and design sustainability will be considered and researched in order to create an affordable and sustainable healing environment.