• Design a questionnaire for the interviews that will focus on interviewing psychologists or psychiatrists in Pakistan, emphasizing on mental health and the stigma revolving around seeking medical attention. 
  • Ten questions that will move on from being generic questions relating to mental health in Pakistan, the effect of not seeking medical attention in third world countries and how the situation generally has increased medical 
  • Due to increasing societal issues, rapid climate changes, pandemic crises, and environmental degradation, many people are becoming prone to stress posing danger in terms of their productivity, health and daily life function which is affecting everyone mentally in an adverse way. Take a survey on how many people avoid taking medical treatments, how many struggle to convince their families or loved ones to take medical help,  how many are being stopped to seek medical attention/therapy, how many are/have been scared about what the society will say and how they will/have been be judged upon their decisions relating to seeking medical help such as therapy or medications, how many think holistic healing is important in such a society. 
  • Design solutions that support the user experience. 
  • This proposal’s has its major goal being the research about challenging of the scenario of countries like Pakistan where a shift in the design and construction methods integrating locally available materials, such as bamboo, timber etc and compromising a lightweight construction to minimize environmental disturbance and to create a much more sustainable habitat. 
  • Sensibility to Structure and materials, design considerations and design objectives.
