Progress Blogs

Week 05:

I finalized my project and discussed it with Tiffany. Looked at a few documentaries, read articles and chose what my capstone project could revolve on.

Week 06:

I have made progress in throughly researching about the mental health stigma and what are the important aspects that need to be focused on for my project. I also looked into how the design and Architecture in Pakistan can speak for this cause.

Week 07:

I watched a few documentaries on mental health in Pakistan and different approaches and measures that have been implied in order to eradicate it. I made progress in the direction of linking mental health to my project, and came across the concept of “Sensory Design.”

Week 8:

Looked into the concept of Healing Environmet and did research on that. My research was about the application of sensory experience in order to visualize and appreciate the design by putting our senses into use, affecting a person mentally. 

Week 9:

Compiled the 5 minute presentation. 

Finalized the five minute presentation.Searched on required cheap materials that can be used for my project. 

Week 10:

I looked into different types of Architecture, the resorts and the forest homes that have been built in the past in order to have an idea of what my project could look like. 

Week 11: 

 I finalized the render softwares I will be using for the project. I did my research on what my project will revolve around and I have decided to use plan and 3D model rendering on Architectural softwares such as Sketchup, Rhino and Illustrator. I also looked into the research part, and have decided to have a strong ideation research regarding the resort.

Week 12: 

I sent out emails to different psyhciatrists and psychologists based in Pakistan in order to talk about the Mental Health and stigma revolving around mental health in Pakistan. The purpose was to interview them and have a better insight into the solutions and what could be done through a horticulture resort to eradicate the problems. I am currently waiting to hear back from them and looking forward to set a meeting.

Week 13:

 I analyzed some of the design considerations and objectives that need to be taken account of which plays an important role  in helping me achieve my design goal. I also further went out of my house in research of the materials that are easily locally available in Pakistan at a cheaper cost such as the bamboo slat, which could help me construct my Resort. 

Week 14:

Looked into the concept of Healing Environmet and did research on that. My research was about the application of sensory experience in order to visualize and appreciate the deisgn by putting our senses into use, affecting a person mentally. 

Upon further research, I came across Plant strategy and went deep into the research of plants and the relation of plants and human senses in order for the resort to have a healing process for a human. 

Week 15: 

Finalized the Final Presentation.

Winter Break:

Looking forward to hear from Psychiatrist/Psychologists based in Pakistan and interview them.

Research regarding sensibility to the structure of the resort. 

Form and Façade research.

Start illustrating the Diagrams/3D models on the software such as Rhino, Sketchup, Illustrator etc

Finalize the materials. 

Utility Concept- Research.